Cmatic is now ISO 45001 certified: worker’s health and safety above all!

Cmatic is proud to announce that we are now ISO 45001 certified! ISO 45001 is the world’s international standard for occupational health and safety, issued to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases.
The ISO 45001 has been developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in compliance with the International Labour Organization (ILO) with the aim of being easily integrated into the organization of existing management system. In fact, it follows the same high-level structure as other ISO management system standards as for example ISO 9001 (quality management) or ISO 14001 (environmental management). It has been adopted by the Italian Entity for Standardization (UNI) in 2018 and as of March 2021 replaces the British Standard OHSAS 18001, becoming the principal world standard for working health and safety system management.
The scope of ISO 45001 is to enhance safety and well-being in any workplace by reducing work related accidents and diseases. The standard is applicable to any business but a preliminary in-depth analysis of the context where the organization operates comprehensive, but not limited to, logistic, urban-planning, cultural, political and legislative aspects is mandatory. In fact, risk assessment is pivotal to the management process hence the identification of all the internal and the external factors that could have an impact on the business performance is essential to detect and manage threats. In this way, the elimination of risk factors should not be seen merely as a cost but rather as an opportunity to improve productivity.
Within the new ISO scheme growing importance is given to all the professionals involved in the production process, starting from the Worker’s Representative for Safety: the involvement of the workforce is of a fundamental importance for the detection of hazards and to enforce the safety regulation inside of the organization. At the same time buyers and contractors are strictly disciplined within different regulations as contractors are the major victims of working accidents.
The potential benefits of a health and safety management system are manifold and encompasses all the actors involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem:
benefits for shareholders in terms of efficiency and reputation: reducing the number of accidents and occupational diseases can help to minimise social and economic costs by making the production system more efficient;
benefits for stakeholders: certification represents, in an increasingly important way, a quantifiable socio-economic value measurable through ethical and responsible behaviour, expertise and corporate culture;
benefits for employee: the implementation of a certified management system is a guarantee of a working environment where personal health and safety is not an option. Showing care is extremely positive in creating motivation and gratification within the workforce and it generally (provokes) triggers an increase in the overall production.
Thanks to the introduction of the standards of ISO 45001, prevention finally becomes an integral part of the company strategy, allows to generate a new model of sustainable competitiveness and offers opportunities for performance improvement over time.
At Cmatic, the safety of our employees is the core of our activity and achieving the ISO certification is the acknowledgement of all the efforts we done (and that we will to do) to create and maintain an efficient, sustainable healthy business where an ever-improving attitude is part of our genes.